Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holidays @ NorthPark - Scrooge Puppet Theatre!

Celebrating his 36th year at NorthPark Center, Charles Dickens' Scrooge comes to life through the magic of puppetry by John Hardman of Le Theatre de Marionette.  Children of all ages giggle with delight as the comical Ebenezer Scrooge emerges from his half-timbered cottage.

Jaiden giggle with delight? 

Oh did he ever :-)

I would have never thought he would have really engaged or fully captured the show and whether or not he truly did...I wouldn't know the difference!  
He jumped right in the crowd of kiddos (with his bottle that is lol being that it was nearing nap time - clearly he was shameless) took out his graham crackers and mango snacks and prepared for the show!  I am not sure that all the babes were eating, but we were not one bit concerned,
Jaiden said he was there to watch this puppet show right!



Mommy and Jaiden in our winter storm gear!!
BRRR... it IS COLD outside!

Where's Waldo?  haha Ok ok Where's Jaiden??  By the cute little blonde girl?!  No way, Jaiden with the ladies???  You guessed it and yes, he selected our seats!  
(I like to believe it was because she had a pink cake pop that looked absolutely delicious.  His thoughts were clearly the same being that he attempted to go for it a few times ;-)

May the puppet show begin...

Well, hello Ebenezer Scrooge!

Oooh Jaiden is laser focused with his mango in hand watching Scrooge

Ok ok ok so mommy was into it as well - he was VERY funny!!

This is JUST HOW FUNNY he was ;-p

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