Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tag, I'm It!

Oh, am I ever!!!  

A handful (ok more like two handfuls) of blog posts yet to be published - sitting in the "safe" zone while we have taken every opportunity to embrace one moment at a time of our family adventures and travel during this holiday season.

Tag, I am definitely "It"

Oh my has it ever been a blink of an eye few weeks:

Jaiden teething canines & molars + MOPSmas (hosting MOPS SPA-liday & Potluck) + Playdates + Packing + Traveling to the West Coast + Welcome to 3rd Tri-mester + Family Festivities + Baby Shower Brunch + Christmas Parties + Christmas = Tag, I'm It!!

Catch us if you can…haha well that's if we can catch ourselves :-)

May I now have the pleasure to share with you the past three weeks of our Bailey Bundle World!!

Good health, good friends and God's very BEST - xoxo!

-The Bailey's

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