Monday, January 27, 2014

:: 28 Weeks ::

January 17, 2014

:: Small cabbage ::

{  17 inches long  }

 -  2.9 lbs.  -  

He weighs nearly 3 lbs now and measures about 17 inches.  Although Jordan is getting pretty close to his birth length, he still has to chub up a bit.

Over the next 11 weeks, he will more then double -- or even come close to tripling his weight!  

As Jordan grows and the room in my womb gets tighter, I will be less likely to feel the big kicks and more likely to get poked by an elbow or jabbed by a knee 

(Is that what I felt in my rib the other day? 
Is that what Rod and I were watching in Church Sunday?
lol the adventure of baby love love love)

Thank you Grammy: "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" Jordan's 1st Book.Thank you Auntie Julie: Jordan's 1st Easter Basket

- AND - 

here it is, the published version 
and the life of Jaime version...

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie…

If You Give Mommy A Cookie…

If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk.
If you give me a cookie, I'm going to ask for Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream.

When you give him the milk, he'll probably ask for a straw.
When you give me the Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream, I'll probably ask for peanut butter.

When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin.  
Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache.
When I'm finished, I'll probably ask for a second serving with whip cream.  Then I won't want to look in a mirror or stand on the scale to allow time to make up for it at the gym! lol

When he looks into the mirror, he might notice his hair needs a trim.  So he'll probably ask for a pair of nail scissors.  When he's finished giving himself a trim, he'll want a broom to sweep up.
When I look into the mirror, I might notice my tummy is fully extended.  So I'll probably change into my yoga pants and seek Daddy support for comfort.  When I seek Daddy support for comfort he will then ask: "Did you eat your Blue Bell?" and I will have to admit: "Those pints JUST don't last in our freezer!"

He'll start sweeping.  He might get carried away and sweep every room in the house.  He may even end up washing the floors as well!  When he's done, he'll probably want to take a nap.
I'll start weeping.  I might admit Jordan got carried away - lol - and request Daddy to no longer buy Blue Bell Ice Cream at the store.  I may even end up eating Daddy's pint as well!  When I'm done, I'll probably want to go to bed.

You'll have to fix up a little box for him with a blanket and a pillow.  He'll crawl right in, make himself comfortable and fluff the pillow a few times.
He'll (Daddy) have to fix up a little spot on the sofa for me with a blanket and pillow.  I'll crawl right in (occupying his spot on the sofa), make myself comfortable and fluff the pillow a few times.

He'll probably ask you to read him a story.  So you'll read to him from one of your books, and he'll ask to see the pictures.
I'll probably ask to go to bed.  So Daddy will do this all over again for me in our room!

You get the picture,
If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk.
If you give me a cookie, I'm going to ask for Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream + Peanut Butter + Whip Cream


A Week in the life of Rod, Jaime, Jaiden and Jordan
I like to include them all in my raving craving this week!! 
HaHa :-)

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