Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Momma's Day Out!

December 30, 2013

It's a Momma's Day Out!

Julie Strilcov    |    Jaime Elmore    |    Marisa Poling

Babes are all covered and cared for...  
9:30am - 1:30pm

Mommy Julie

TJ & Olivia 
Daddy Day Care @ Hand's On Children's Museum - Olympia, WA

Mommy Jaime

Grammy and Jaiden Day!

Mommy Marisa

Dela & Miles
Auntie Jacy Day!

1st Stop…
Nordstrom Rack

Photoshoot #1:  Marisa and Jaime
We lost Julie to instant retail therapy! :-)

Photoshoot #2:  Baby Jordan!

So...I guess after all I wasn't completely off of the hook since I do have Baby Jordan with me, lol, but he is an easy shopping buddy so he is more then welcome to join us on our 
Momma's Day Out Adventure!

"Basketball Jordan" 
- Cousin TJ

2nd Stop…
Brank's BBQ

I have FINALLY experienced the official Brank's BBQ!  

It seems I am always just a phone call away, well I should say a few states as well - lol - when Mom and Julie share their mouthwatering experience with me about Brank's BBQ.  For some reason, the past few times I have been home to visit we just hadn't yet made it there.  

Today…it is official, I am ALL on board to ensure this is included in our WA itinerary every trip going forward!!  There wasn't one thing about my food that I didn't like.  

Heavenly Homemade Sweet Iced Tea + Brisket Schooner Green Salad + BBQ Beef Sandwich + Cowboy Beans + Potato Salad + Cornbread

I can only imagine the All You Can Eat Buffet on Wednesdays!  Whew, the thought just warms my soul and makes my mouth water!!

Brank's BBQ is a locally owned and family operated real, 
honest-to-goodness, southern style BBQ restaurant 
in Sumner, WA since 1995.

"Our menu items are made daily.  We use dry rub on fresh meat, smoked with 
apple or wild cherry wood in our Ole Hickory Pits."

Now home to the kiddos / back to mommy duty we go!  
We had a very enjoyable few hours visiting and sharing our ladies time with one another.  Julie, Marisa and I had it a long time coming to embrace some one on one moments together.  
We are refreshed and ready to go home and snuggle our munchkins!  

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