Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Poling Family

December 27, 2013 - January 1, 2014

The Poling Family!

Transportation Ticket via Mommy Marisa

Origination:  Medford, OR

 Destination:  Tacoma, WA

Mommy Marisa: "We made it!"

Boys at their best… Eating!

Jaiden - 15 months 
Miles - 16 months 

Jaiden: "Uh Oh!"

 Miles: "That was funny Jaiden"

Jaiden: "Auntie Ris we are out of apples!  Is that what you said?"
The look is classic Jaiden, so dramatic!

Miss Dela playing with her toys!! 

Big sister Dela feeding the boys!

Silly faces!!

Jaiden: "Thank you for sharing your food Miles, it was YUM!"


"Miles say cheese!"


FUN FUN and more FUN


Thank you for traveling so far and taking the time 
out of your busy holiday schedule to come visit us in Tacoma, WA!  

We thoroughly enjoyed our time shared together and 
look forward to the trips we have yet to plan!

We Love You Poling Family!!!

-The Bailey's

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