Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

December 1st is here!  

Only 24 more days until...

Jaiden selecting just the right Christmas tree...

In the tree yard

Dada look at that tree

YAY!  We found one :-)  Looks perfect!!

Jaiden clapping for his Christmas tree

Our neighborhood Christmas Tree

 Little Santa playing soccer

All day EVERYDAY we dance to this Santa!!!  
We, meaning all 3 of us! (as required by Jaiden lol)

Jaiden Christmas shopping at Target! 
 lol This is not our cart.

 Let the decorating begin...
Ok ok so we have to pick up a tree skirt, but this it our tablet top Christmas tree :-)  
We will be traveling this year so we stuck with a cute Jaiden size tree.  
One that he can decorate and not destroy once it is up!  

'tis the season

Playing soccer at the park

Bubbles for Jaiden :-)

Riding the reindeer...

He made it!!!

Jaiden's stocking!!

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